Saturday 12 October 2013

Ostentatious glow of Foreign Land

I belong to Doab region of Punjab,area well known for maximum number of NRI's in India. Doaba area today is now one of the richest area of Punjab and so is reasoned because of inflow of foreign currency and thus increase in spending power of area residents. Resulting with 4th most developed state of India,it is also mentioned ,this high rating is because of high expenditure rating which is mostly because of contributing NRI Punjabis. COOL enough,isn't it? Our Punjab is growing,our economy is growing,our country as a result is growing.
In fact, I have some other idea in my mind too. and that is related to that forgotten topic we used to read in our class 9th or class 10th Civics books ,that reflected upon its pros! AH! AH! O yea, "BRAIN DRAIN". yea brain drain,the theory that explains that skilled people are moving out in search of high pay,contributing in their economy ,building foreign economy and hence creating a dearth of workers in their own country. Par kya fark parta hai,all of it is just a bookish theory ,kamane toh paise hai,and if they are providing us opportunity,why shouldn't we avail it? Nothing bad in that,seriously nothing. But what I actually feel sad about is when our youth is thinking of moving out just because of facilities they provide,security,improved lifestyle. Whenever someone says like this,I would like my readers to ask them- What have you done to make it all better in your country too? Going by the fact, Indian Civil Services has 24% of seats lying vacant from last 10 years ,and if it is so then that means there are less people who are more inclined to bring a change in their country in compare to people taking this exam as opportunity for their ill motives after getting appointed or feeling more privileged to contribute in other country's economy building.
The thing is not that, you should let off opportunities for better prospects,but it would be much better to take some opportunities of less benefits initially and in your own country,and with your efforts make it big,bring a change because urban youth still has undue advantage of more conscience and knowledge about surroundings and if they will one bring a evolution of opening up venture,small indigenous plants or enter into entrepreneurship or self-developed business if they couldn't get into Govt. Jobs and bring even a small change in our economy,this will not encourage youths from all parts of country to actively participate and will avoid moving out.
I know what I am all talking about seems tough,dreamy but if by some sincere efforts all will work ,it would work. And we all know of recent Govt. Policies which are encouraging it too. The thing is to punch the hammer at right time. Because guys,out there is foreign land ,you might be living an lavishing life,going to different places at weekends , having a dinner with your earnings at a very nice restaurant,but you will also be staying away from your culture, you are still an alien at their land,and you are still contributing to their economy rather than helping you root country to grow. Accept this reality!!

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