Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Carrying the shameless face

Living in a country where one of oldest civilization exist and studying the fact it was ours first civilization who used to worship a female idol as our goddess and all that respect and traditions are now fading away when you hear a fact like this- A girl is raped in a moving bus? What was her fault? Though it is not the only case,I simply get disturbed when I read anything like this,every other day in the newspaper. Let it be a dalit girl or a para-medic student? How could anybody think about it. How could our human nature fall to such a level that all respect and honor which is taught to every child since he is born our Indian society is forgone in a second- The teaching to respect a women!
                     This year our country has seen many attacks on issues like our fundamental rights,right to press,right to speech,corruption prevailing in the country,faulty legislative working,assault of teenaged girl in Guwahati streets but at the end of 2012,this issue which thankfully has taken shape of public outcry(because thousand's "Mind it thousands not hundreds " of cases does not get noticed) is more disturbing than anything else- A slap on Our Central as well as Delhi Government that you people are not able to save your daughters,and whatever your politically ambitious slogans of "Save Girl Child" you are giving,we the culprits-"Devil Minds" are always successful to create a fear in people's mind so they don't give birth to females or they will face the same or keep your girls at home because We the male dominating society are so futile natured that we cant see those females competing with us and can't see them enjoy there freedom and success.
                Even after 65 years of our Indian Independence and thankfully due to Mrs. Indira Gandhi and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi efforts,tough we have increased number of female MP's i.e. 33% of reserved seats for Women and also having our constitutional body as National Commission for Women,we are not getting any fruitful results on controlling such a heinous crime . I mean come on!!! Tough,it is a responsibility of our Indian Police who are so dedicated to their work that they are more engaged in collecting 100 rupees bribe from traffic breakers rather than checking the bus which has crossed the same chowk 3 times in a time span of 30 minutes in which this crime actually took place. Chalo maan liya,- If our so called effective police has caught hold of those bastards-they are bailed  out or released on call of their local MLA. And even if they could not be saved in this manner-Our effective judicial system has such a long trial period that later the justice delivered can be actually considered as JUSTICE DENIED because by the time culprits are in judicial custody and not given the punishment,victim is contionously under mental trauma and regular visits to courts and trials make her more a victim because rapist would be considered innocent unless proved otherwise. Such is the prevalence of law in our country. So no one is afraid of it but challenges it.
                      I just hope no more crime like this could be heard anymore because people-This is our country,they are women of our country-someone's wife,daughter or sister. She might be yours and crime like this not only destroy women's life but also make our country feel ashamed . And I just hope,this time our dear Parliament can make law to curb this crime immediately and make it so hard and effective that no one even dares to repeat it again.
Girish Sharma